Asbestos Lung Cancer

Exposure to asbestos can also cause lung cancer to develop decades later.

How Does Asbestos Cause Lung Cancer?

Exposure to asbestos is a serious health hazard. The accidental inhalation or ingestion of asbestos fibers can be devastating for a person’s health because the human body cannot break these fibers down over time. Instead, once inhaled, these fibers can get stuck inside of a person’s lungs.

When asbestos fibers settle inside of a person’s lungs, it can cause scarring and inflammation. Over a long period of time — often 10-50 years — tumors may develop, causing symptoms and leading to an asbestos lung cancer diagnosis.

Lung Cancer vs. Mesothelioma

The location of the tumor(s) determines the type of cancer. While lung cancer develops in a person’s lung tissue, pleural mesothelioma develops in the thin membrane (or pleura) that surrounds and protects the lungs.

However, both asbestos lung cancer and mesothelioma may qualify for compensation from the company that made the asbestos-containing products you were exposed to.

Symptoms of Asbestos-Related Lung Cancer

It can take several decades for the initial symptoms of lung cancer to develop after exposure to asbestos. Once present, the symptoms of asbestos-related lung cancer are:

  • Bloody cough
  • Chest pain
  • Fatigue
  • Shortness of breath/trouble breathing
  • Wheezing

If you’re experiencing these symptoms, be sure to tell your doctor if you ever worked with or around asbestos-containing products.

Pursuing Asbestos Lung Cancer Compensation

Patients who are diagnosed with asbestos lung cancer are often shocked to learn their disease was caused by asbestos exposure and that it could have been prevented. The asbestos product manufacturers responsible for exposing people to asbestos knew their products were dangerous — but chose not to warn their workers or the general public.

In addition to holding these companies accountable, many people file lawsuits to get money that can help offset the costs of the disease.

Compensation secured in an asbestos lung cancer lawsuit can be used to help pay for:

  • Lost wages due to inability to work
  • Medical expenses associated with treating the disease
  • Pain and suffering
  • Travel costs from seeing specialists or other doctors
  • Funeral and burial costs (in wrongful death cases)

Asbestos Lung Cancer Lawyers Can Help partners with the best asbestos lung cancer lawyers in the country. The best asbestos lung cancer lawyers usually work for a law firm that has the resources and experience necessary to give their clients the best advantages in seeking compensation.

Contact us today to see if you are eligible for compensation. If so, we’ll connect you with an experienced asbestos lung cancer lawyer.

The attorneys we work with charge no upfront costs or out-of-pocket fees. They only get paid if your case succeeds in getting compensation.